Why you should choose an Eco-friendly Cleaning?
This type of cleaning might be considered as a new trend or a fad which is very special for all of us in Maid Share team. Green cleaning for us is an addition of how we live our lives.
Given the fact of our growing economy, we're living fast-paced and having different lifestyles that are stressful and extremely busy. Because of this, when cleaning our homes, we might feel tempted to choose quick fix chemical products from the store. Did you know that instant cleaning products are filled with harmful toxins that can result in an unhealthy environment?
In this blog, we would like to share the benefits of using a natural and safe cleaning products and also wake up everyone’s mind how great green cleaning is.
Air Quality
Coming home or business that is cleaned in an Eco-friendly manner, the indoor quality is remarkably improved. It reduces health issues like headaches and irritations caused by pollutants in your atmosphere and in the areas where you sleep.
If you choose to hire a green cleaning service to take care of your home, your environment is toxin-free, well-cleaned, and well-sanitized.
Refreshing Scent
Aside from finding out the air quality of your home, put an additional fragrance with a natural products is totally refreshing. Rather than spraying a chemical air freshening sprays, burning natural scented oils could be an option. Maid Share is making own products to ensure that your air is clean and healthy, such as using plants with a broad green leaves to filter your indoor air.
Try our own made Linen and Room Spray with Lavender sage and Eucalyptus mint scents. You can also visit our homepage and click SHOP for more products.
Recyclable and Biodegradable
Maid Share's preparations are provided in recyclable containers and are biodegradable. This reduces packaging materials and also the negative environmental effects of transporting large amounts of cleaner. Let's help the mother earth by using recyclable materials.
Safe Property
We use products that don’t contain harsh and harmful chemicals. Rest assured that none of your furniture or appliances will be damaged by any overly harsh cleaning methods or chemical spills.
Worth Spending
For home cleaning, vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, etc. can do the trick for pennies on the dollar, compared to buying conventional cleaning products.
Maid Share focuses on making all natural products like essential oils that works out as a cost-effective way of living healthy and clean. With our services, you are already supporting a healthier living environment, not only for you and your family but for the whole world.