How to properly do laundry
Doing laundry is a household chore that every responsible person has to do without any excuses. Oftentimes, we may want to ask for help to do the laundry for you or assigned one from your family to do it as a routine.
There is lot of ideas on how to properly do the laundry but we would like to share how we are doing it.
All right, let’s jump in to it!
Set a routine
It is ideal if you schedule a day every week or could have it daily, when you should wash your clothes no matter how much or how little you have and make it a habit, this way it prevents too much laundry from piling up and becoming massive.
This is the time where you have to balance your pile. Some are doing over sorting that consumes more loads, time, energy, water etc. On the other hand, you don’t want to do few loads and put everything all together and risk damaging your clothes.
You can try using our own system by breaking it into 5 Categories and put them in a laundry baskets or hampers.
HEAVY WASH (towels, cleaning rags, beddings/sheets etc)
Any items that are heavily soiled and need to be deep cleaned go in one pile. If you have a specialty sheet like silk sheets that something you want to preserve then you may wash them separately to avoid any scratch or damage.
Clothes that are light in colors should go in one pile and be separated with the darker clothes. If you also wear pure white clothes then you might as well put it in a different load.
This clothes can also be washed separately in one load or you may want to put it with your dark clothes.
Items that are delicate to wash you may put it in one pile. For your bra and underwear, it is best if you put them in a garment bag and include those either to your delicate ones or lighter clothes.
It is important to separate them since some are using mild detergent and dry it by hanging under the sun for better results.
Set aside the clothes that has stains and smelly so you can put more attention to it. Biggest tip on stains is to not let it to dry out, it will be harder to treat once it get stuck for a period of time. In general, the best thing to do is wet it and treat with your preferred stain remover as quickly as possible.
For any of your smelly clothing items or the things you may have sweat in and worn in the gym. You can treat those by soaking them in 1 part vinegar and 4 parts of water for 30 mins. The vinegar will go in there and break up the bacteria that is growing in the clothes which is causing it to smell.
We are finally in the washing part, first thing you should consider in this step is to not overload your washing machine. If it’s too crowded in there, it won’t move around the way it need to get them fully cleaned. Follow your sorted piles and use your chosen detergent.
Let’s talk about the water temperature, here are some general rules of water temperature.
- Any item that may color bleed
- Items that aren’t not too dirty
- Delicate items/underwear and light color clothes
This is the most gentle on clothing, but has the least effective cleaning power. This is where you put the delicate items and less heavily soiled.
- Kitchen towels, Dish rags, Pot holders, Cleaning rags and cloths, Bath towels, Sheets, Beddings
- Heavily soiled clothes or items with solid fabric
- All cloth diapers
Hot water cycle is really going to help you get rid of the bacteria and give your items a much deeper clean however, it will be rough on your clothing and fabric. For your dark clothes, athletic clothes, jeans or your dark pile — you can do it in a Warm cycle. This is a good balance when you add more cleaning power and not being too hot to risk damaging any of the clothes and fabric.
In general when it comes to drying, you can use the lowest heat setting. It will help preserve your clothes, and keep them in good shape longer. We also read other tips when after washing you can still see stains on them - especially on our baby clothes/onesies, put them out in the sun to dry. For moms out there, this is a good tip that really works!
The last stop is folding and putting away our laundry. It is really important to fold them as soon as possible so you can have the fresh outcome. Some didn’t really need to iron their clothes because they fold them as quickly as possible after drying so you can save time and effort.
And we are done! We hope this simple steps will help you and we’ll appreciate if you can leave us some comments and other suggestions to have more clean and very nice laundry.
Maid Share is also accepting laundry service that is included on our packages, check this out
Read other blogs here at and learn more about easy ways in cleaning and organizing stuffs. Thank you!