Clean and Organize your Refrigerator in 5 Easy Ways
Well, I believe our fridge is one of our problems when we go home from a busy day where oftentimes you want to eat and cook meals for your family however seeing a filthy, cluttered fridge can lead you to order food online or either go out and eat in a restaurant.
We are happy to share our expertise in cleaning and organizing a fridge gradually (we’ve been doing this for a long time now, so we are an expert! LOL). Let’s get started!
Here is what you’ll need:
All purpose cleaner
Micro-fiber cloth and sponges
Trash bag or trash can
Rug to place on the floor to catch any spills (optional)
1. Remove everything from the refrigerator.
This is a great time for you to check your groceries, remove the food that are about to expire and rotting food, or anything you know your family didn’t want to eat anymore. You may also find it funny because you might find doubles in the fridge like 2 containers of horseradish mayo etc.
2. Start cleaning the inside.
You can see the grimy lines or stains on each sides, start from the top shelf working down, spray your all purpose cleaner and let it sit for at least 3-5 mins. Try our natural all purpose cleaner — it is safe to any type of metals.
Now that the cleaner had the chance to sit, wipe down all shelves, walls, drawers and door compartments with a microfiber cloths or sponge (try our microfiber cloth, just click the link)— whichever is good and can easily remove the stains. If the shelves and drawers (even the glass on top) are removable then, take them out because it’s a lot easier to clean all those little nooks and crannies where food crumbs may be hiding. It is also important to get to under side of the shelves especially if it's glass, sometimes you had some tall bottles or containers that can leave a grimy little residue. Make sure you also get to the side and back of the fridge as well.
Be careful and gentle on detaching the shelves and glass on top of the bottom drawers so you won’t damage or crack them. Everything should be dry since it will get little dust if you leave them wet.
3. Organize your Space and Place everything back per category and sizes.
Before you place the food back inside, arrange your shelves so they are at the right height for you to organize your foods. TIP: You may put a folded paper towels in the bottom of your drawers to help absorb any condensation or even collect crumbs. See the picture for suggestions.
(It is best if you wash the food first and wipe the bottles or containers before putting them inside.)
4. Clean the outside.
We are about to finish! But of course, give the outside of the fridge a cleaning too. You can remove the stuffs sticking to the front or side of it then start wiping down the doors and the handle or the side and top if they are exposed — using the all purpose cleaner and microfiber cloth.
5. Empty the jars or containers of the leftovers before putting in the garbage or recycle them.
Don't just throw them out in the garbage without emptying the bottles or jars. You can put some of them in a trash bag and liquid in your sink and rinse it well so you have the chance to recycle them.
We are all set! You can totally see the difference now and will surely love to see your groceries and enjoy cooking when you have a clean and organize fridge.
If you have any concerns or wanted to try our own made products, feel free to contact us or click here to shop. Have a nice day!