The difference between Viruses & Bacteria
in the latest news with the wide spread Coronavirus there is a lot of fear. and It’s understandable. We here at Maid Share cleaning company want to clear up why viruses are scary and the difference between them and bacteria.
While bacteria and viruses are both apart of the micro world they are completely different Organisms.
Lets keep it simple. Bacteria are Living One celled organisms that takes several shapes- spheres, rods & spirals. Bacteria can live inside & outside of the body and is found everywhere. Bacteria is a microscopic living organism, Meaning they can not be seen with the naked eye. Bacteria are larger, about 1000 nm in size. They are visible under light microscopes.
Bacteria Reproduces by binary fission. In this process the bacterium, which is a single cell, divides into two identical daughter cells.
Bacteria can be friend or foe. Bacteria are big help to us humans and the world. They help aid with decomposing food in our gut, They are used to ferment the wine we drink and a bunch of other amazing things. They also are dangerous because they can cause infections and make us very sick.
Viruses are not considered living. Just like bacteria viruses Comes in many shapes and sizes. Viruses are organic structures which interact with living organisms. Viruses are smaller than bacteria, about 20400 nm in size. They are only visible under the electron microscope.
Viruses connecting to a host and injecting it’s dna into a host cell. After the process is finished the cell will then start to reproduce infected cells Dna.
The reason viruses are considered Non living organic structures is because they can only reproduce when they invade your cells. Once they have invaded your cells they start to reproduce thousands of infected cell copies. Think of viruses as hitch hikers that will get no where without you.
This is dangerous because unlike bacteria were we can create antibiotics to eliminate them if we tried to kill a viruses we would be killing our own cells.
So often times you have to allow the viruses to pass through you and allow your immune system to fight off the invader. Hence why people with weaken immune systems are at a greater risk.
There are so many differences between viruses and bacteria. While we are no experts we thought we should explain the differences giving the current coronavirus epidemic. Maid Share Cleaning Company did get our start in Microbiology labs so we wanted to share what we knew. Please share any information you may have. Here is a link to the governments plan to slow down the virus for 15 days Click here.
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