House Cleaning Tips to Alleviate Allergies
Home is supposed to be the best relaxing place where we can be after a long day at work. Given the fact that being outside can give you a lot of external irritants, your house can also be one of the distributors of these allergens we are trying to avoid.
Dust mites, pollen, mold, and pet dander are the most allergens that can be found at home. Some people use nasal sprays and antihistamines to combat the allergy but keeping your home clean plays a big role to fight against allergies.
Maid Share will give you tips to keep your house clean and your allergies under control. Let’s do it area by area to make it more clearer.
Cleaning products to avoid
Using a cleaning product that contains harsh and irritating chemicals can add to your allergies. Make sure to inspect and read the label of your chosen product before using it. These are the common chemical ingredients that can be irritating;
Sodium hypochlorite
Sodium lauryl sulfate
These irritants are commonly found in many cleaning products such as;
Dish soap
Fabric Softener
All-purposes cleaners
Mildew removers
Disinfectants and many more…
Home products to use
It’s best to use an “all-natural cleaning product” since they are non-toxic. There are different DIY cleaning ingredients you can easily make at home. Here are some examples;
Baking Soda
Distilled white vinegar
Hydrogen Peroxide
If you don’t have one of these at home, try our own handcrafted natural cleaners we are using in cleaning homes. We offer all-purpose cleaner and cream, toilet cleaner, microfiber cloth, and many more. Visit our SHOP to view more all-natural products.
Protective gears
Always wear masks and gloves when cleaning.
When cleaning the kitchen, wearing an apron is recommended.
How to Say goodbye to your achoo’s?
Make the Microfiber cloth your best friend.
Dust is the number one irritant that makes us sneeze until we get a runny nose. Use this cloth when dusting your furniture, appliances, picture frames, etc. Dampen it to water and continue wiping until the dust is gone.
Vacuum the floors regularly.
We don’t normally realize that our floors are getting dusty and one of the factors why you are getting allergies. Consider the time you go outside and come back with all your shoes, dirt and other irritants are being transferred to the floors.
It is best if you get a vacuum cleaner with a small-particle or HEPA filter. These filters are designed to trap tiny particles of pollen, dust, dander, and other allergens.
Start vacuuming area by area, then behind the couch and under the furniture and so on. Make sure not to use a broom as it stirs up the dust to the air.
Give your vacuum a makeover.
Consider that you use your vacuum to remove dust everywhere, it is best to empty the canister before and after using to make sure that the dust from yesterday won’t spread up again. Make it a habit.
Don’t forget your filters.
The air conditioning units or central heating systems need to be cleaned regularly. Make sure that they are all in good shape and clean. Remember that you are inhaling most of the air from the system and makes it uncleaned will give you runny rose as well.
Soak the filters with warm soapy water for at least 3-4 minutes, get an old brush, and do scrubbing until all dust and dirt are removed.
Curtains and blinds
These two are the natural dust collector. You can vacuum them at least once a month but if they’re washing machine- safe then, load it up with unscented detergent and do it regularly. When it comes to blinds, damp the microfiber cloth with water and do it at least every week. (Depends on how dusty it is)
Wash and cover the pillows.
Who’s here not loving their pillows? This is one of the relaxing things at home you are looking forward to going home early. You must wash the cases at least every week and run it to a washing machine. As for the pillow itself, it can also be washed twice a month just to keep it clean.
Make the bed with new bedding/mattresses.
The bed can be the haven of dust mites and dirt. Change the bedding at least once a week and load it up to the washing machine. If your home has an area where you can take the bed outside, let it be directed to the sun and get heat up to kill the mites hiding inside of the bed.
Leave the shower/bathroom dry.
Moist can be another factor of having stuck mold and mildew. So after using the shower, wipe down the walls using the Microfiber cloth, bathtub, mirrors, faucet, sink, and many more. You can also let the bathroom dry by leaving the door open so it’ll get dry before the end of the day.
Reduce clutter on shelves or cabinets
We may have unwanted piles of paper, magazines, and books that are getting dusty on our shelves. It is best to empty the shelving, wipe it down with a natural all-purpose cleaner, and let it dry. Keep only the things that you need and recycle the rest. Same goes with your cabinets and closets, these areas can be breeding grounds for insects, mold and rodents and their droppings.
Make it a pet hair-free zone
Pet is our animal companion and we all love them. There is no problem having one at home but it’s important to teach them their proper places. Create rules from the beginning on where they should sleep or provide them their own bed. If you really wanted to share a bed with them, you should have to change your bedding more often and vacuum every day so the hair won’t pile up.
This are just some tips and still depends on your allergy tolerance. If you can’t do the cleaning and have someone do it for you or better hire a professional cleaner like us to keep you away from getting the allergies.
Our services and products are always available. Please read other articles for more cleaning tips.